30 Apr 2024
Discovering Chelmsford: Central Heating and Its Impact on Property Decisions
In Chelmsford, a town renowned for its historical roots…
Property Maintenance
Last week saw the property market re-open and, as such, our Victoria Road branch has seen an increase in calls with people looking to sell their homes. If you too are thinking of selling, now is a great time to get your house in order so that you can maximise your home’s potential value. A well-organised home is extremely attractive to buyers, so here are six easy ways to make your Chelmsford home feel more organised.
One of the projects you need to undertake before placing your house on the market is taking stock of what you have, identifying what you need, and what you don’t. We all have things in our homes that we’ve kept hold of for one reason or another, and cupboards or attics that we honestly have no idea what is inside. Working your way through your house is daunting, but we can guarantee that doing this now will lift a great weight – you don’t want to be packing and taking all this unwanted stuff with you when you move. Decluttering each part of your home will make organising so much simpler, so where do you begin?
It can be completely overwhelming wondering which part of your home to tackle first, but we find it’s best to set yourself achievable tasks so you don’t give up halfway through. You could tackle all the drawers one day and then cabinets another; or do a room or an item at a time, with bigger jobs such as the attic or garage, you may want to get all the family involved. When you’re placing things back, use drawer organisers – make sure you finish one drawer before you move onto another. Labels, canisters and plastic organisers are wonderful tools when deciding where to put things and will also help you focus on the task rather than being fazed by the big picture.
When you’re preparing your home for sale, each room needs a clear function and you should organise your space with this function in mind. Knowing the purpose of each room will help you when you start to organise everything, as you will be able to lay all your items out and group them according to where they will be best placed. If you have a room which you’ve decided should be presented as a home office, then place all relevant items together ready to be carefully organised in their new space. Some people like to use labelling, but we recognise this isn’t for everyone, so find your own style and way to organise – however you do it, there will be a great deal of satisfaction when you’ve finished.
Organising each room in your home doesn’t mean that everything has to be hidden; open shelves provide a wonderful opportunity to create stylish designs for displaying your items. You can showcase books, ceramics and photo frames, but make sure you create a visual feast for the eye rather than a shelf overloaded with books. It’s not just bookcases, but your wardrobes, drawers, and even your kitchen worktop – how you store and display your belongings can be a creative experience that will make living in your home more enjoyable, and will delight potential buyers.
Nothing makes organising easier than using a variety of storage boxes and containers to help organise every room in your home. From colourful playful ones for your children’s bedrooms, to small plastic trays for kitchen and bathroom cupboards, to baskets for shoes in your entrance hall, no matter what part of your home you’re organising, we’re sure that there is a box to provide you with a storage solution. One trick to remember when deciding on which storage boxes you use is to buy the same kind for a specific room to keep the look aesthetically pleasing. For example, if you use the same white boxes to organise your wardrobe, it will look wonderfully elegant rather than mismatched and messy.
When organising your home you may find that a room is lacking in a storage solution, maybe it’s a garage that could benefit from a shelving unit, or a bedroom where things are stacked rather than stored. A small investment in some kind of larger storage solution can completely transform how a room looks and feels, and make it more appealing to potential buyers.
You want to feel proud of your home when you put it on the market in Chelmsford, and know that you’ve done everything you can to maximise your home’s value and attract potential buyers. An organised home is uplifting and creates a sense of comfort, and if buyers feel comfortable whilst viewing they are a step closer to making an offer. If you would like more advice on how to prepare your home for sale, contact our Charles David Casson Sales team on 01245 835859.
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